Tweens & Teens Bundle

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Tweens & Teens Bundle

Authors: Michelle Garcia Winner, Pamela Crooke, Dominique Baudry, Linda K Murphy

The social world is complicated—and so are tweens and teens. They typically don’t want to be told what to do yet still struggle to solve their problems independently. As social learners, they need guidance and support in a way that feels right and makes sense to them. Save 10% with this bundle of six books, a two-set collection of 26 teaching frameworks, and an educational card game that speak directly to a variety of social learning needs of tweens and teens—frankly, sometimes with humor, but always encouraging them to learn how the social world works so they can logically learn new social competencies to help them meet their own goals. This collection provides a range of information, visual supports, scaffolded teaching frameworks, strategies, and tools to best meet their needs and developmental ages.

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  • Ages: Ages 10+ Activities
  • Format: Book Bundle with Games and Visuals
  • ISBN: 1050
  • Published: 2016

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