Superflexes Take on the UnthinkaBots Poster

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Superflexes Take on the UnthinkaBots Poster

Superflex Series

Motivate kids to talk about how these 14 sneaky characters use their powers to get in the way of our flexible thinking and doing. The imaginary characters on this poster represent the most common challenges in thinking and doing that we ALL experience. For example, Worry Wall shows the common feeling of worry. Body Drifter represents how when we get distracted or don’t notice the group plan, our bodies can drift from the group, leaving others confused! These UnthinkaBots can work together to sabotage our flexible thinking and doing. It’s up to us to notice and then manage them!

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  • Ages: Ages 7-10+ Poster
  • Format: Poster
  • ISBN: 742186347189
  • Dimensions: 18" x 24"
  • Published: 2024

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