Glassman and Kool Q. Cumber Bundle

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Glassman and Kool Q. Cumber Bundle

The Superflex Series

Authors: Michelle Garcia Winner, the Superflex Creative Team

Help social learners keep their cool and take a deeper dive into the much-adored Superflex® curriculum. This two-book set, featuring the UnthinkaBot Glassman and the Thinkable Kool Q. Cumber, teaches physical and cognitive strategies for self-regulation to avoid big negative reactions to small problems. Glassman investigates how being unable to match one’s reaction to the size of the problem is an unexpected behavior that causes others to have confused thoughts and disrupts learning. Kool Q. Cumber shows how to stay calm when problems happen, think flexibly, and use Kool’s Prob-u-lator to determine the size of a problem and the expected reaction size.

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  • Ages: Ages 7-10+
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 6020
  • Pages: 95
  • Published: 2018

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