Social Situation Mapping

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Social Situation Mapping

Making Sense of the Social World

What’s going on around us influences our thoughts, feelings, and choices. Social Situation Mapping (formerly Social Behavior Mapping) teaches learners how to use social observation to figure out what to do or say (or not do and say) based on the situation. Revised, updated, and retitled, this hands-on book includes 80+ completed Social Situation Maps to explore 40+ common situations at school, home, and in the community. The maps outline the Social Emotional Chain Reaction, which shows how we all impact one another when sharing space, and provide multiple options for choices and their consequences through the learner’s perspective.

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  • Ages: Ages 8+ Activities
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781936943944
  • Pages: 108
  • Published: 2023

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