In this course, we answer the questions: What are core social learning challenges? How do we determine these challenges? How can we support learning and where do we start? Diagnostic labels such as ADHD, Autism, Twice Exceptional, Social Communication Disorder, etc. fail to pinpoint how to help an individual develop social competencies for use across the classroom, community and home. Nor do diagnostic labels help interventionists (professionals and family members) understand how social learning challenges are co-mingled with theory of mind, executive functioning and mental health challenges. In this course we will explain different types of treatment needs based on an individual’s social self-awareness, social-interpretive abilities, and social problem-solving skills. Learn practical strategies to develop skills that are required not only in relationship development but throughout academic curricula and standards.
Social Thinking offers a wide array of all day and partial day courses and embedded school trainings to fit your needs. Our speakers collectively instruct over 15 courses offering practical concepts and strategies to boost the social learning process and academic achievement that can be used across settings, such as in the classroom, on the playground, at home, at work, and in the community. Each course covers a specific topic, from working with early learners, to the transition to adulthood; to helping mature adults improve executive functioning skills. Each speaker has unique specialties that align with the courses they instruct.