Social Thinking Clinics & Services

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Helping People Develop Social Competencies

Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC-SLP, the founder of Social Thinking, opened her first clinic, The Center for Social Thinking, in 1998 to provide services for people with social learning challenges. Her common-sense teaching approach (now called the Social Thinking Methodology) helped many of her clients develop social competencies in a way no other program had done before – and word spread. Her client base grew quickly and so did the demand for information, training, and products to help serve people worldwide.

The Social Thinking Methodology’s strategies, concepts, and materials are designed to help individuals develop social competencies to better understand themselves and others, foster self-regulation and relationships, and make larger meaning of the social world.

Clinics & Training for Professionals

Clinical Treatment for Families

Social Thinking has two licensed clinic locations. Each clinic is individually owned and operated.

In-Person Clinical Training for Professionals

Our three-day in-person intensive clinical training program gets rave reviews! Apply today.

Find a Professional Near You

We are frequently asked to provide the names of professionals who use the Social Thinking Methodology in their programs or services in local communities or across states and countries. To make this information easily available, we created an online Directory of Clinical Trainees to provide a resource listing the names of clinicians and educators who have attended our Clinical Training Program.

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