Brain Eater & Focus Tron Bundle

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Brain Eater & Focus Tron Bundle

Superflex Series

Authors: Michelle Garcia Winner, Stephanie Madrigal, the Superflex Creative Team

Defeat distractibility! You’ve worked through the Superflex® curriculum with your social learners and now you’re ready to dive deeper into self-regulation strategies. This two-book set featuring the UnthinkaBot Brain Eater and the Thinkable Focus Tron presents two perspectives for overcoming distraction. Brain Eater explores the power of distractibility and how it prevents students from focusing or doing what they need to do. Focus Tron celebrates the positive power of redirecting one’s focus and using specific strategies to maintain focus and attention. Books include student tip sheets and strategies and quizzes to support learning.

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  • Ages: Ages 7-10+ Bundle
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 6010
  • Pages: 108
  • Published: 2018

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